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Our bilingual high school

Our bilingual high school

Our bilingual high school

We have been operating our school in Budapest for more than 5 years, and have selected the best and most experienced teachers.

Our institution is part of the Turkish Maarif Foundation network, which includes 477 educational institutions in over 50 countries worldwide.

So far, we have been chosen by more than 51,000 students and we also run 40 boarding colleges around the world to ensure that as many students as possible have access to high quality learning.

Our Budapest high school has a Hungarian-English bilingual programme, which aims to help our students achieve excellence in their language skills (C1—Advanced). We aim to educate children who love peace and people and focus on developing open, accepting, understanding, and cooperative personalities. Our school provides a high level of language skills, which are the basis for in-depth subject knowledge.

Our mission is to prepare our students for the challenges of the modern age, so that they can become autonomous adults who will be able to succeed in their further studies, in their future careers and personal lives.

Why should you choose us?

  • magyar és Magyarországon élő külföldi diákokat is várunk
  • magas szintű angol nyelvi képzést kínálunk
  • értékalapú, közösségteremtő iskola vagyunk
  • magasan kvalifikált, magyar pedagógusokkal dolgozunk
  • az életre készítjük fel a tanulókat (társadalmi felelősségvállalás, problémamegoldás, csapatmunka, stb.)
  • nálunk nincs vallási oktatás
  • nemzetközi hálózatunk külföldi lehetőségeket teremt a diákoknak (csereprogramok, továbbtanulás, karrier)
  • második nyelvként török oktatás is elérhető
  • folyamatos pályaorientációs és karrier tanácsadás
  • a sportra, testedzésre kiemelten figyelünk (pl. íjászat)
  • hiszünk a kreatív emberfőben: ebru-márványfestés
Bilingual education

Bilingual education

Currently, in the 5-year preparatory class of the high school, in addition to the 15 English lessons, students also study physical education and digital culture in English in 3 lessons per week. From the next academic year onwards, they will have acquired the same language skills as students in the four-year program. 

In addition to 3 English lessons a week, history, digital culture, and civilization in the target language help to develop their knowledge and skills in all 4 grades, complemented by biology and geography in grades 9 and 10, which are replaced by science in grade 11. 

The language proficiency level to be achieved in bilingual education is B2 in grade 10 and C2 in grade 12. We aim to give our students the language skills they need to succeed in any university in the world.

How to apply to our high school?

How to apply to our high school?

There are two ways to join our high school:

  • Admission of Maarif students
  • Admission of students from other primary schools

Admission to our high school classes is continuous
There is also the possibility to join our school during the year

I am interested
  • Admission of Maarif students 

    Students who finish their studies in grade 8 at the Maarif Hungarian-English Bilingual Primary and High School in the same year do not need to take an entrance examination for grade 9. Admission is based on the results achieved in the 7th and 8th grades. In calculating points, grades in Hungarian language and literature, mathematics, history, English, and one science subject are taken into account. The total score is 60, the minimum score for admission is 48. In English, the expected language level for admission to the 9th grade is KER B1.

  • Admission of students from another primary school 

    You can find information about our two courses starting in September 2025 and the admission procedure by scrolling down this page and on the Admission Information page.

Our courses starting in September 2025
  • Our 4-year high-school course 

    5001 - Hungarian-English bilingual course, without preparatory year. Subjects taught in English: target language civilisation, history, geography, biology, physical education and digital culture. The second foreign language is Spanish or Turkish. The level of English B1 is required. 

    Maximum number of students admitted: 15

  • 5-year (1+4) high-school course 

    5002 - Hungarian-English bilingual 4+1 year course with language preparation. Second foreign language is Spanish or Turkish. Subjects taught in English, from the second year: target language civilisation, history, geography, biology, physical education and digital culture.


    Maximum number of students admitted: 20

Calculation of points
  • a, academic points gained - 50 points 

    The marks obtained in Hungarian language, Hungarian literature, history, foreign language and mathematics are calculated on the basis of the sum of the marks obtained at the end of the 7th grade and the mid-term of the 8th grade, up to a maximum of 50 points.

  • b, central points in the written tests (Hungarian language and literature, mathematics) - 100 points 

    The sum of the marks for the two essays is 100 points maximum. If the student has been exempted from one of the subjects, his/her score in the other subject will be doubled. If he/she has a partial exemption, his/her marks will be apportioned and rounded up.

For each course offered, we conduct motivational interviews in Hungarian and English, where we measure the applicant's motivation, communication skills and general level of literacy - this does not count towards the admission score. 

The interview is scheduled for 12 March 2025 (Wednesday) at 10:00. 

Admission ranking will be determined according to the scores obtained. In the event of a tie, preference will be given to the student whose sibling is a pupil at the school. 

Students with special educational needs cannot be admitted on the basis of the school's Pedagogic Programme and the School's Operating Licence! 

Following successful admission, a written English language assessment will be carried out, probably in mid-August, and the student will be placed in course 5001 or 5002. You will find all the information on our website, which is constantly updated.

The acceptance of qualifications obtained abroad: 

The recognition of foreign qualifications for the purposes of further education is the responsibility of the high school to which the student applies. The calculation of the number of points to be taken into account in the procedure must be agreed individually with the principal of the school. For certificates obtained abroad, a certified translation into Hungarian is required

Application to <br>our school is continuous

Application to
our school is continuous

Please contact us if you have any questions! 

Phone no.: +36 1 796 7848 

E-mail address:

Your School Select