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Alongside improving our kids' physical strength, archery is an activity that also makes them think and concentrate, helping to develop their learning skills. Everyone has the opportunity to practice archery in Maarif. Our students can immerse in the rich history of this traditional sport, discovering the craftsmanship behind crafting bows and arrows. From learning complex techniques to understanding cultural relevance, is a unique experience for everyone.

Viktória Angel H. teaches archery to our students in the school

Since I was a teenager, I have been giving various martial arts training to children, young people and adults. After obtaining the archery instructor qualifications obtained at Okcular Vakfi in Istanbul and the Hungarian Archery Instructor I qualification, I have been holding trainings continuously.
At the request of the school, the students take part in a traditional Turkish archery session with me every Tuesday - and I think we can say that without exception they complete the tasks with joy and enthusiasm.
During the lessons, in addition to lots of movement games, they get to know the basics of archery, during which they also do serious internal and mental work, because each shot requires full attention.
I congratulate them in particular: in today's fast-paced, superficial world, it is a great value that they are able to delve into themselves. I know that they will benefit a lot from the skills acquired here in their adult lives.

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