Humans live in a permanent and inseparable relationship with their environment, and are in constant interaction, so humanity has been shaping and changing its environment from the very beginning. Social and economic development has modified and burdened the elements of our environment to such an extent that nowadays maintaining the proper state of the natural environment and ensuring sustainable development is a global challenge for humanity. The changes affecting our environment affect both us and future generations, so it is our joint responsibility to act for a more sustainable future. It is important to draw attention to the importance of environmental protection at school as well.
As a result, our school considers it of utmost importance that we start shaping ecological approach and implementation of environmental awareness education in students from an early age. Our school considers it an important aspect to develop environmentally conscious behaviour in our students during the school years, to familiarize them with the basic principles of environmentally responsible living, and to pass on adequate knowledge about the values of the natural and built environment and its protection. For this reason, our school's pedagogical programme puts great emphasis on the implementation of environmental education, on ensuring sustainable development, and on shaping the attitudes and habits of students who are environmentally conscious and responsible for their environment. An essential part of all, is the transfer of values and attitudes related to the environment, the implementation of sustainability in education, and the development of students' commitment and environmental awareness to protecting the environment.
Our school provides its students with the implementation of the above-mentioned concepts not only in the framework of lessons, but also in the programs outside the school, as well as by organizing project and theme weeks. In our school it is essential to lead a conscious environmental life, as well as to convey the values of environmental awareness and sustainability in practice, so our institution implements the selective waste collection within the school and the collection of used elements in this spirit. In accordance with all of this, our environmentally conscious educational and pedagogical profile provides students with guidelines for the practical application of environmental protection, selective waste collection and energy saving. Environmental education must affect the entire personality of the students, so it needs a broad interpretation. Our goal is to be responsible for the environment, respect of all living things, and the establishment and gradual development of an ecological approach in the values of everyday life.