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Our bilingual primary school

Our bilingual primary school

Maarif Hungarian-English Bilingual Primary and High School started its operation in Budapest, Hungary on 1 September 2020.

It was founded by Maarif Hungary Nonprofit Kft. with the aim of helping students to acquire outstanding language skills, to become open, accepting, understanding, and cooperative individuals, and to leave the school with a deep knowledge of their academic subjects.

Environmental education, self-awareness, and the preservation of physical and mental health of students are a priority. Education focuses on individual skills, and students can participate in talent management and catching-up activities.

The institution employs well-qualified, empathetic teachers who speak foreign languages at a high level, who see their profession as a vocation, and who feel it is important to pass on knowledge and to promote and accept human and national values.

Our aim is to prepare our students for the challenges of the modern age, so that they can become independent adults who will be able to take their place in their further studies, in their future careers and in their future lives.

The Turkish Maarif Foundation is present in 55 countries with 466 educational institutions, helping more than 50,000 students to develop their talents.

Why should you choose us?
  • •    We offer a high level of English language education and the opportunity to learn Turkish from primary school onwards
    •    we work with highly qualified teachers who consider their profession as a vocation
    •    social responsibility, problem solving and teamwork are part of our educational principles
    •    we emphasise fundamental human values and the importance of mutual acceptance

  • •    we are a value based, community oriented school

    •    our international network offers our students a wide range of opportunities: exchange programmes abroad, higher education, careers
    •    ongoing career guidance and counselling, as well as individual development
    •    we pay particular attention to physical education and healthy lifestyle, as well as respect for the environment and nature.

Our bilingual primary <br>school education

Our bilingual primary
school education

As of September 2024, our primary school offers bilingual education. This focuses on English at the advanced level, but there is also the possibility to study Turkish as a second foreign language in a specialised course - also available as a second foreign language in our high school.

The basic aims of bilingual education in primary school:

- Developing competence in native and foreign languages
- To learn the strategies for language learning and learning in a foreign language
- To learn about the cultural values of the Anglo-Saxon countries, to develop literacy in the target language
- Acquiring language skills

In grades 1-2, the subjects taught in the target language include music and singing, visual culture, technology and design; in grades 3-4, this is extended to include environmental studies.

For grades 5-6, the subjects taught in the target language include target language civilisation, digital culture, history, science and physical education; while grades 7-8 study target language civilisation, digital culture, history, biology and geography in English.

The basic aim of bilingual primary education is that at least 60 percent of students should reach CEFR level A2 in the target language in grade 6 and CEFR level B1 in grade 8.

The knowledge acquired at our primary school provides an excellent basis for students to continue their high school studies at Maarif and to graduate with a high level of foreign language proficiency, which will provide a solid foundation for successful entry into higher education.

Our students say about us

Watch our video from the Open Days!

Parents' opinions

Application to <br>our school is continuous

Application to
our school is continuous

Please contact us if you have any questions! 

Phone no.: +36 1 796 7848 

E-mail address:

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